EXWEB Stake Pool
Support Cardano’s decentralisation by staking to our pool
Ticker ID: EXW
Pool ID: 6108a69467d6d35bec0639f86c052e71ca156735a43c1c752561a198
We are a group of IT professionals and blockchain enthusiasts focused on keeping the Cardano Network secure and decentralised through our professionally managed stake pool.
Our bare metal servers are safely run 24/7 with the best uptime possible.
We believe in the CARDANO project, ecosystem, values and community.
We have pledged 133.52k ADA to show our commitment and passion for the pool. Our fixed and margin fees are kept to an acceptable rate, respectively, at 340 ADA and 0.8% to maximise our delegators’ rewards.
Thank you very much for your support!